HHGV is in the process of developing its Net Positive Home & Solar Programs.

The aim is to provide the greatest positive impact to our homeowners, local economy and environment by reducing their energy loads and offsetting its cost with solar power.

  • Making Efficient Homes

    Reduction is the first step in the process of creating efficient homes. Our homes are all electric and require 30% of the power of a conventionally constructed home while being similar in cost. This is achieved through a holistic approach to the design and construction of our building envelope and systems. By making our homes super insulated and having a high level of air control we are able to reduce the size and costs of our heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. Other benefits of this approach are; comfort and high levels of Indoor Air Quality that are beyond “fresh air” in these times of increasing pollution from forest fires and pandemics.

    We do extensive energy modeling, testing and monitoring on our designs and our finished builds to predict our outcomes and then to correlate our designs to actually real world performance once inhabited.

  • Solar Powered - Net Metering

    Our program collaborates with local partners to install affordable solar PV systems on all our new construction but is also working with past homeowners to retrofit their homes also to zero out their energy bills. Local Utilities offer “net-metering” which allows homeowners to produce as much energy to provide to the grid for their community to use as they use in their own home.

    Having a super energy efficient home reduces the size of the solar PV system required and thus the cost. It also leaves room on the roof for increasing energy production if Electric Vehicle charging is desired in the future.